F3-Bots (Intelligent NFTs)

To convey a decentralized attitude in the proprietary deep neural network- Freeda, followed by creating economic opportunities for players, transferability, transparency, inclusive growth, and authenticity record, it was important to amalgamate this AI-based innovation with a blockchain-based solution.

For this purpose, the team at Feed3 has designed F3-BOTS a.k.a Intelligent NFTs (iNFTs), a collection of 10,000 Ethereum-based NFT avatars (ERC-721 token standard) that are fused with Freeda’s pre-trained-AI-language-model ‘engines’. These iNFTs will be responsible for processing the audio feedback and generating the passive income for the owners in the form of FD3 tokens.






Enhanced Data Security



Trust on Robotic Decisions



Collective Decision Making



Decentralized Intelligence

Security Centric

Decision Centric

Improved Efficiency

In addition to the characteristics illustrated in the table above, the F3-BOTS shall also feature embedded intelligence, universally usable attributes, self-learning ability, metaverse-agnostic, and fractional ownership.

The F3-BOTS will be classified as an intelligent asset, embedded with the AI personality traits, and will continue to increase in levels based on the magnitude of the audio feedback processed through it. If more audio feedback is processed through an F3-BOTS, it will be raised to a higher level.

The higher the level of F3-BOTS, the more will be the capacity to record long-length audio feedback. Since Length is one of the parameters that decide the quantity of FD3 tokens to disburse, having an F3-BOTS belonging to a higher level will allow the players to record relatively longer audio feedback for generating more passive income.

F3-BOTS > Record Audio Feedback > Receive FD3 Tokens > Escalate the F3-BOTS Level > Increase Recording Capacity > Receive More FD3 Tokens.

The F3 BOTS (iNFTs) will be composed of three vital parts as illustrated below:

☑️ Body: The body is an ERC-721 token that reflects an image or graphics or avatar.

☑️ Soul: The soul is the intelligence level of the iNFT.

☑️ Mind: The mind determines the capability of the iNFT to perform the tasks. The capability of the iNFT mind progresses as the soul matures, allowing it to perform higher-order tasks.

The F3 BOTS (iNFTs) will be available at the price ranging from $2,000 to $30,000. The F3 BOTS belonging to higher intelligence levels (Soul and Body) will be comparatively expensive but will provide the users to generate competitively more FD3 tokens.

The users can also sell their F3 BOTS in the secondary marketplace and receive a good price for the investment. For example, a player might mint a Level 1 F3 BOT at $2000, escalate it to the Level 5 F3 BOT, and sell the asset in the secondary marketplace to generate a remarkable profit from the proceeds.

Last updated