Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How to buy the $FD3 tokens?

A1: Register and whitelist for the $FD3 Token Presale from the Feed3 website and buy the tokens when the sale goes live.

Q2: What are the accepted cryptocurrencies in the $FD3 Token Presale?

A2: You can buy the tokens via BTC, ETH, BNB, USDT, USDC, and many more.

Q3: What will be the price per token during the $FD3 Token Presale?

A3: The $FD3 token launch will observe three presale stages.

  • Initial Price at Stage I: $0.005

  • Initial Price at Stage II: $0.008

  • Initial Price at Stage III: $0.01

Q4: How the presale tokens will be distributed?

A4: 35% $FD3 tokens will be unlocked at TGE (Token Generation Event).

Q5: $FD3 is built on top of which blockchain network?

A5: $FD3 is a BEP20 token built on top of the BNB Smart Chain.

Q6: What’s the venue for the $FD3 token sale?

A6: The $FD3 token sale will be held on the Feed Three Limited website

Q7: Is there an affiliate program?

A7: No. We do not have an affiliate program.

Q8: Does the project have a soft cap?

A8: No. It is because the development of Feed3 Technology will happen regardless of whether the planned amount will be raised or not.

Q9: Will all the unsold $FD3 tokens be destroyed/burned?

A9: No, we do not plan to burn the unsold $FD3 tokens.

Q10: What is Feedback-to-Earn (FB2E) model?

A10: Feedback-to-Earn (FB2E) from Feed3 is a groundbreaking concept, engineered with an objective to empower the players with the ability to record and send audio feedback after playing a blockchain game. In return for submitting the feedback, the players shall be rewarded with the native token of the Feed3 i.e. FD3 tokens.

Hence, in this way, in addition to earning the game tokens from playing the game, the players also earn FD3 tokens.

Q11: How Feedback-to-Earn (FB2E) model can help the development team?

A11: Integrating the Feed3 technology, collecting the feedback/criticism, and using it in the development process will brew a cost-saving and long-lasting relationship between gamers and developers. Some benefits for the development team are listed below:

☑️ Save time and resources by escaping the need to develop a dedicated feedback collection service or communication channel.

☑️ Streamline the focus on improving the game instead of incurring the overheads in guessing or searching for what the gamers want.

☑️ Understand which part of the game is performing well and which part needs improvement, hence, channeling the resources to only those segments that need attention.

Q12: Does Feed3 Technology intends to establish partnerships with Play-to-Earn Games and Metaverse projects?

A12: Yes, Feed3 technology will incorporate strategic partnerships with some of the top-performing web 3.0 projects including but not limited to Alien Worlds, Splinterlands, Era7: Game of Truth, X World Games, The Sandbox, Decentraland, and many more.

Q13: What is F3 dApp?

A13: F3 dAPP (Decentralized Application) will allow hosting reviews exclusively for web 3.0-based games, applications, brands, and experiences that will be verified by Freeda and authenticated by blockchain technology.

Since all the transactions executed on top of a blockchain network are public and immutable, it will be easy for dApp to verify a wallet’s web 3.0 purchases. Once a user will connect his or her decentralized wallet to the dApp, the system will scan the transactions executed through it.

After authenticating the purchase transaction, then only the user will be able to drop the review or feedback in favor of goods and services bought. Unlike traditional markets, F3 dApp will be able to confirm if the transaction actually happened or not.

Q14: What are F3-BOTS?

A14: F3-Bots a.k.a intelligent NFTs are a collection of 10,000 Ethereum-based NFT avatars (ERC-721 token standard) that are fused with Freeda’s pre-trained AI language model ‘engines’.

The F3-Bots will be responsible for processing the audio feedback and generating passive income for the owners in the form of FD3 tokens.

The intelligent NFT will be composed of three vital parts as illustrated below:

☑️ Body: The body is an ERC-721 token that reflects an image or graphics or avatar.

☑️ Soul: The soul is the intelligence level of the iNFT.

☑️ Mind: The mind determines the capability of the F3 BOT to perform the tasks. The capability of the F3 BOT mind progresses as the soul matures, allowing it to perform higher-order tasks.

Q15: What will be the price of F3-BOTS?

A15: F3-BOTS will be available at the price ranging from $2,000 to $30,000. The F3-BOTS belonging to higher intelligence levels (Soul and Body) will be comparatively expensive but will provide the users to generate competitively more FD3 tokens.

Q16: How will Feed3 technology integrate with the Web 3.0 projects?

A16: We will be designing and developing a proprietary decentralized API product that would allow the seamless integration of Feed3 technology with Blockchain Games, Video Games, and Metaverse Projects.

Last updated