Feedback-to-Earn (FB2E) Model
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Feedback-to-Earn (FB2E) from Feed3 is a groundbreaking concept, engineered with an objective to empower the players with the ability to record and send audio feedback after playing a blockchain game. In return for submitting the feedback, the players shall be rewarded with the native token of the Feed3 i.e. FD3 tokens. Hence, in this way, in addition to earning the game tokens from playing the game, the players also earn FD3 tokens.
The Play-to-Earn games having the Feed3 technology embedded within the UI/UX shall allow the players and guilds in their ecosystem to develop an additional income channel by simply submitting the audio feedback. When the gameplay session is completed, an option to share the feedback will unlock.
The players can record and send the feedback in plain English. Some examples have been illustrated below:
“It consumes a lot of time to reload the gun”
“The game has slow loading time despite updating it”
“The game offers very limited options in terms of skin and weaponry”
“The car customization options are not detailed”
Needless to say, the nature of feedback will depend upon the type of blockchain game and the functionalities it offers to the players. However, the type of blockchain game doesn't matter for Feed3. Whether it is RPG, MOBA, Action-Adventure, Shooters, Puzzlers, or any other genre, Feed3 technology if embedded shall allow the players to record their feedback and earn FD3 tokens for their efforts in submitting the audio feedback.
The game development team shall receive this feedback and can use the data to introduce improvements and augmentation to the game to enhance players' satisfaction, retention, and gameplay experience.
Feed3 makes use of a proprietary deep neural network algorithm, known as “Freeda” that collects, governs, and processes the incoming audio feedback. This AI technology calculates the quantity of the FD3 tokens to disburse to the players as a reward based on the quality of the feedback submitted.
Feedback-to-Earn model is not only beneficial for the players but also for the development team responsible for engineering the game. The only difference is that the players receive the tokens and the development team gets the valuable data to improve the game.
While the Feedback-to-Earn model from Feed3 will help the players to magnify their earning potential, the development team receiving the data can use it to give a new direction to the product. The subsequent sections below highlight the benefits in detail that players and the game development teams shall have by integrating Feed3 technology.
As mentioned aforesaid, a P2E game having Feed3 technology embedded within its UI/UX will allow the players and guilds in its ecosystem to develop a secondary income channel by earning FD3 tokens after rendering the feedback. However, having an additional income channel is not the only advantage that the players will have.
Feed3 integration will also help the players in the quick submission of the feedback without leaving the game or sharing personal details, saving them a lot of time. This will also help the players to share even the smallest feedback with the development team.
Most importantly, the feedback shall be recorded in a verbal manner rather than a written format that will bring a myriad of advantages to the players and guild leaders as listed down below:
☑️ Comprehensive, more explanatory, and detailed
☑️ Conveying the emotions in the message
☑️ Faster delivery of the feedback
☑️ No room for spelling errors
A few instances have been illustrated below that explain how the game development team can benefit from the integration of the Feed3 technology to thrive in the increasingly competitive world of web 3.0:
☑️ Save time and resources by escaping the need to develop a dedicated feedback collection service or communication channel.
☑️ Streamline the focus on improving the game instead of incurring the overheads in guessing or searching for what the gamers want.
☑️ Understand which part of the game is performing well and which part needs improvement, hence, channeling the resources to only those segments that need attention.
Integrating the Feed3 technology, collecting the feedback/criticism, and using it in the development process will brew a cost-saving and long-lasting relationship between gamers and developers.
In the words of Elon Musk::
“Constantly seek criticism. A well thought out critique of whatever you’re doing is as valuable as gold.”
The case study illustrated below provides an insight into why “Feedback” plays an integral role in deciding the fate of a game.
CryptoKitties, one of the earliest Play-to-Earn NFT games made a lot of highlights with one of the kitty (in-game ERC-721 NFT character) with the ID 1 being sold for a whopping 247 ETH as of December 2, 2017.
The game became so popular at one point that it even clogged the Ethereum network with so many transactions in the queue that also eventually pumped the gas fee. The development team also shared the tweet to express the severity of the situation.
Unfortunately, this growth didn’t last for long. According to the research reports produced by Bloxy and Diar, the transactions on the CryptoKitties marketplace took a massive nose dive and fell by 98.4 percent soon after the launch.
In the graph illustrated below (Source:, it can be observed that a large number of players started leaving the game after it reached its peak on December 2, 2017.
While there were many reasons behind this downfall, the prime reason behind the failure has been traced back to the inability of the development team to pay attention to what the players want from the game. Not engineering the features that the gamers want eventually landed the team in trouble with players leaving the game.
If the development team at CryptoKitties had access to the data that would let them evaluate and understand what problems the gamers are experiencing, then they could have implemented the optimum solution to fix the problem and expand the game and community size.
Many other Play-to-Earn games with amazing game dynamics and concepts that have failed to sustain for a longer duration include Prospectors, EOS Knights, CryptantCrab, etc. Why? It is because the team behind the game didn’t invest in a model that would allow them to learn the problems the players were facing.
This is why Feed3 intends to introduce the FB2E model so that the incidents like these are minimized and the blockchain gaming ecosystem can move in the forward direction with additional income opportunities for the players.